Growth of 2.8% in the first quarter of 2017 (like-for-like)

2017 05 10 CA T1 2017 UK


Increase in activity in the 1st quarter of 2017

HERIGE Group posted turnover of €131 million for the first three months of 2017, up 2.8% like-for-like, i.e., not including VM Piscines and the other activities currently being sold, on the same period in 2016.


All Group activities contributed to growth:

  • turnover for Building materials trading increased 1.6% like-for-like on the back of a recovering market, particularly for the public works sector,
  • turnover for the Concrete industry increased 8.0% following an increase in volumes, primarily for ready-mix concrete,
  • turnover for Industrial joinery increased 2.4%, boosted by its new product AM-X and its Closures division.



Outlook and developments

Against a positive backdrop of a gradual recovery in the construction sector, HERIGE Group is confident of its capacity to capitalize in full on a more dynamic market.

As part of its 2016-2020 plan to refocus on its core activities, the Group’s strategic goals include achieving lasting profitable growth to finance its future development.


NEXT PUBLICATION : Q2 2017 turnover on 25 July 2017 (after the stock exchange closes).
All our financial communications are available on our website


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